Masterclass: Work at the Clay Field® Workshop
Jul 15, 2019
Masterclass: Work at the Clay Field® Workshop
In February 2019 Prof Heinz Deuser came to Australia to offer a Masterclass on his Work at the Clay Field® at Claerwen Retreat. For over 20 years Prof Deuser was the course coordinator of the first BA in Art Therapy at the Kunsthochschule in Nürtingen, Germany. Today he is the director of the Institut für Gestaltbildung in Hinterzarten, Germany. Work at the Clay Field is a unique Sensorimotor Art Therapy modality Prof Deuser has developed over the past five decades.
While children always work with their eyes open, adults are encouraged to keep their eyes closed in order to be able to fully experience touching the pliable material. The aim of a session is not to create symbolic objects or anything that can be taken home. Rather the focus is on Haptic Perception, the relational experience of touch. This therapeutic approach requires knowledge of the developmental stages the hands undergo as perception tools from in utero onwards. Attachment trauma, developmental setbacks and complex trauma issues can be observed in the hand movements of individuals. Skilled support allows the repair and reorganisation of the hands and thus the repair of the neurological pathways without addressing the actual trauma story. Gradually motor impulses at the Clay Field can find sensory fulfillment in the relationship at hand.
Presented by Prof Heinz Deuser | Facilitated by Cornelia Elbrecht
Recorded over one long-weekend workshop, this Masterclass is the most comprehensive and current exploration of the Sensorimotor Art Therapy modality Work at the Clay Field®.
Over the course of five sessions participants are treated to a blend of theory, live Clay Field therapy sessions, analysis of both live and pre-recorded sessions by Prof Deuser as well as engaging group discussions. Navigate the video content to view and review sections based on your professional and personal interests.
Prof Heinz Deuser presents the material in his native German language, with professional live translations into English. Cornelia Elbrecht facilitates the discussions and adds observations from her practice with Work at the Clay Field® in Australia. This masterclass is the full record of the entire weekend of seminars, supervision of case studies, and individual sessions with course participants. These Clay Field Therapy sessions are then reviewed and analyzed by Prof Deuser.
Professionally filmed in HD with two cameras to fully capture the process. Translated into English by Andre Bevz.